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Welcome to the P1's HPC documentation!

The Pioneer Centre for Artificial Intelligence (P1 for short) is a Danish cross-university research centre. This documentation is for the HPC which is made available for affiliates of the center. For more information regarding the centre, we refer to P1 Homepage.

The goal of the P1 HPC is to:

  • Enable research opportunities for affiliates of P1, with regards to its objectives
  • Support collaborations within the center

However, since resources are limited and we hope to serve as many P1 members as possible, large scale projects are better supported within their own funding. The compute cluster cannot be used for commercial purposes.

In this documentation, we cover only the basics for getting started. Since the cluster is situated within the DTU Computing Center, the documentation of the technical side of things can be found on their website and the P1 specific page there. When having used support from DCC (the DTU HPC center administrating our DTU cluster) please cite the following reference: