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Get started

Getting access

To get access to the cluster, one should:

  1. First register to be a member of P1. You do this by filling out this form. Only move on to the next step after you are correctly listed on the P1 webpage.

  2. The cluster is hosted at DTU and the next step is therefore to get a DTU account, so that the DTU compute environment can be accessed. This can be obtained by filling out this form which will be sent to Henning Christiansen, head of DTUs compute center. Only signup using an official university email address is accepted. He will create an account for you and contact you with the details.

Accessing the cluster

To access the cluster outside of DTUs network please refer to the guide in the following section.

The compute cluster is accessible at via SSH, where the user will log into their home directory. Note hat the home directories have limited storage (50gb), but more storage is available at /dtu/p1/.

We have 1 interactive node that you can use for installing packages and try-runs of your experiments. Please do not run any heavy jobs on the login node, and use batch jobs for your experiments.

Accessing the cluster outside of DTU

This section describes one possible option to access the cluster from outside of DTUs network using a Linux machine. The guide assumes that you have obtained a DTU account beforehand.

First access steps

  1. Download Cisco AnyConnect VPN client
  2. Go to and choose sign-in via Azure multi-factor auth. using your full DTU username (including
  3. Set up a new multi-factor auth to DTU e.g via Authenticator app.
  4. Establish connection to in the AnyConnect client.
  5. Log in to the cluster via SSH at using your DTU credentials (username without
  6. Close connection to the cluster.

You can choose to keep using VPN to access the cluster or use SSH keys + passwords instead. For the latter please follow the steps below.

Access with SSH keys + passwords

  1. Ensure that you have completed the steps described above to establish access via VPN.
  2. Generate an SSH key using ssh-keygen.
  3. Copy the key to the server e.g. using: ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/keyname
  4. Log in to the cluster: ssh

For more technical information please refer to the P1 compute cluster documentation at DTU DCC.